Every divorce follows its own unique path, but one universal truth related to divorce is that it is very likely to significantly affect your financial future. If you’re facing a divorce, the best place to start is by working closely with an experienced divorce attorney in Stillwater.
While every divorce is unique to its own set of circumstances, the basic decisions that you and your divorcing spouse must make revolve around the following issues:
These issues comprise the foundational components of every divorce.
You and your divorcing spouse will need to come to terms that you can both sign off on regarding each of the issues listed. You don’t, however, have to manage this feat on your own. You’ll work with your respective divorce attorneys who will help you negotiate for terms that protect your rights and that work for you and your children. If you’re unable to find common ground on any one of these issues via direct negotiations, mediation is an important and often-useful option. Mediation refers to negotiations between you and your divorcing spouse in which all of the following apply:
Mediation allows you, as a couple, the opportunity to make your own divorce-related decisions instead of abdicating that power to the court. Even if you’re only able to come to terms regarding one divorce issue during mediation, it’s one less decision that you’ll need the court to make on your behalf.
The court has considerable discretion when it comes to making decisions related to your divorce. For issues related to child custody arrangements, for instance, the judge in your case will base his or her decisions on the perceived best interests of your children in relation to the prevailing circumstances. The judge, however, doesn’t and can’t know your children’s unique needs and personalities the way you do. Ultimately, you and your spouse are best suited to make important decisions on behalf of your family’s future. If, however, your spouse simply refuses to compromise or negotiate, the only reasonable path forward is through the court.
The outcome of your divorce will shape your path forward, and the dedicated divorce attorneys at Atticus Family Law in Stillwater are committed to helping you obtain divorce terms that allow you to move forward into your post-divorce future with confidence. Our formidable legal team is here to help, so please contact us for more information today.
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