Parenting Time Attorneys in Stillwater

Parenting Time Attorneys in Stillwater

Parenting Time Attorneys in Stillwater

If you and your children’s other parent are no longer together, are facing a divorce, or were never married, your parenting time orders are critical to protecting your rights as a parent and your close, ongoing relationship with your children. If you are facing a parenting time dispute, it’s time to make the call to an experienced parenting time attorney in Stillwater. 

Child Custody in Minnesota

In Minnesota, child custody divides into both legal custody and parenting time, which you may think of as physical custody or visitation. Legal custody assigns decision-making authority, while parenting time determines how you and your ex will divide your overnights with the kids.

Parenting Time

Only in rare instances is a parent denied at least some form of parenting time in the State of Minnesota. Generally, one of the following scheduling options apply:

  • One parent becomes the primary custodial parent who is afforded the majority of overnights with the shared children.
  • Both parents divide the number of overnights they have with the children more evenly.

The Children’s Best Interests

Minnesota courts address parenting time concerns in accordance with the involved children’s best interests, and in the process, they take best interest factors such as the following into careful consideration:

  • Each parent’s parenting time preferences
  • Each child’s parenting time preferences – when the child is mature enough to reasonably weigh in on the matter
  • How well each child’s physical, emotional, cultural, and spiritual needs – including any special needs any of the children may have – are met by a proposed parenting time schedule
  • Each parent’s ability to meet each child’s needs
  • Each parent’s level of responsibility in raising the children to date
  • Any physical or mental health concerns experienced by either parent, including addiction, that have the potential to affect the children’s well-being 
  • Each parent’s willingness and overall ability to provide consistent, ongoing care for the children in accordance with the parenting time schedule
  • The advisability of maintaining the status quo in relation to the children’s current home, school, and community
  • How well the proposed arrangements support an ongoing relationship between each child and both parents, their siblings, and other important people in their lives 
  • The advisability of maximizing the amount of parenting time each parent has with each child.
  • The likelihood that each parent will support each child’s ongoing relationship with the other parent.
  • Any concerns related to past domestic abuse, child abuse, or child neglect
  • Each parent’s willingness to facilitate smooth co-parenting, sharing of important information regarding the children, and minimizing the children’s exposure to parental conflict
  • Any additional factors the court deems important to the case at hand 

Experienced Parenting Time Attorneys in Stillwater Are Standing by to Help

The accomplished parenting time attorneys at Atticus Family Law in Stillwater recognize how important your parenting time schedule is to you and are well prepared to employ the full strength of their impressive legal skill and experience in pursuit of terms that support your rights and work for you and your children. To learn more about what we can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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  • Decisions about the children’s future and parenting time.
  • Responsibility for spouse’s debt and spending.
  • Separation of assets and income.
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