Every divorce is as unique as the people involved, but divorce is always complicated and represents a transition that tends to be emotionally fraught. The terms of your divorce will play a significant role in you and your children’s lives, which makes allowing these terms the legal attention they warrant critical. Whatever your divorce concern, a dedicated divorce attorney in Woodbury can help.
Every divorce follows its own path toward finalization, but in the end, they all involve negotiating the following terms (as applicable):
Upon divorce, the property that you and your spouse acquired during your years of marriage (your marital property) will need to be divided in a manner that is equitable. This means that it is fair under the circumstances at play, but this can obviously mean different things to different people – including to you and your divorcing spouse. This division can prove exceedingly complicated. Factors that tend to complicate the matter further include:
When it comes to your parenting plan, which is how Minnesota addresses the matter of child custody, you’ll need to resolve both legal and physical custody. Legal custody relates to who makes the important decisions that guide your children’s upbringing, and physical custody relates to you and your ex’s parenting-time schedules with your shared children. Both legal and physical custody can be sole or joint, but joint custody doesn’t mean that your parenting time will necessarily be exactly 50/50 – and sole custody doesn’t mean that the other parent won’t have a visitation schedule (which is the court’s presumption barring a significant reason to determine otherwise).
Both parents are responsible for supporting their children financially, and the following apply:
Spousal maintenance or alimony is a payment system that’s designed to be implemented when one spouse experiences a financial downturn upon divorce, and the other spouse has the financial means to help.
If you’re facing a divorce, the dedicated Woodbury divorce attorneys at Atticus Family Law are committed to applying the complete breadth of their experience in their concerted effort to help you find terms that work for you and your children. Your case is important, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information today.
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