Divorce Attorney in Ramsey County

Divorce Attorney in Ramsey County

Divorce Attorney in Ramsey County

Whether divorce sneaks up on you or springs on you out of nowhere, it puts you in the difficult position of facing a serious transition without a map forward. The fact is that every divorce follows its own challenging course, but an experienced divorce attorney in Ramsey County is standing by to help you protect your financial and parental rights throughout the process – and to proceed toward your best post-divorce future.

The Terms of Your Divorce

Every divorce is different, but every divorce involves the same basic tasks of resolving the divorce terms that apply, including:

Let’s delve a bit deeper into each.

The Division of Your Marital Property

Anything you, your spouse, or the two of you together come to own while you are married is considered marital property, which you will need to divide between the two of you fairly upon divorce. Fairly here means dividing assets in accordance with the circumstances of your marriage and divorce and does not necessarily mean equally. Those assets that either of you owned prior to marriage and managed to keep separate throughout your marriage will remain separate, but the dividing line between separate and marital property is less clear than you may realize.

Your Parenting Plan

Your parenting plan sets forth your parenting time schedule, which determines physical custody – or when your children will be with you and when they will be with your soon-to-be ex. Your parenting plan also, however, determines legal custody, which relates to how you and your divorcing spouse will handle decision-making in relation to primary parenting decisions like the following:

  • Decisions about schooling
  • Decisions about healthcare
  • Decisions about religious upbringing
  • Decisions about extracurriculars

Child Support

The state has a child support calculation process in place that helps to ensure both parents shoulder their fair share of financial support for their children. Even when the parenting time schedule divides overnights with the kids directly down the middle, the parent who is the higher earner typically makes the child the support payments. 

Spousal Maintenance

Spousal maintenance is reserved for divorces in which one spouse is left without the financial resources to support themselves, and the other has the financial ability to provide assistance. Spousal maintenance is generally limited to the amount of time needed to gain the experience, further education, or job skills necessary to become more financially independent.  

An Experienced Divorce Attorney in Ramsey County Is Standing By to Help

Divorce can be a daunting legal journey, but the accomplished divorce attorneys at Atticus Family Law in Ramsey County recognize how important your divorce terms are to your future and are committed to fiercely advocating for your case’s best possible resolution. We are on your side and here to help, so please don’t delay reaching out and contacting us for more information about what we can do for you today.

Family Law

We handle matters in
all areas of family law.


Decades of
experience and skilled trial expertise.

Child Custody

We will fight for your
parental rights.

Property Division

Protecting our clients’
financial rights.


FREE Download.
10 things you need to secure in your divorce plus crucial questions to choose an attorney. Critical points such as:

  • Decisions about the children’s future and parenting time.
  • Responsibility for spouse’s debt and spending.
  • Separation of assets and income.
  • Who will work on my case?
  • How long will it all take?
  • How will you accomplish my goals?
  • How much will it cost and what do the fees include?

Want To Get A Head Start?

Enter your information to download these guides to get a leg up in securing a fair outcome in your family law case.

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