Douglas County Divorce Attorneys

Douglas County Divorce Attorneys

Douglas County Divorce Attorneys

Divorce comes with considerable emotional upheaval, but divorce is also a serious legal matter that will directly affect your rights as a parent and your post-divorce finances, which makes taking the matter seriously from the outset paramount. If you’re facing a divorce, you have questions and concerns that need to be addressed, and working closely with an experienced Douglas County divorce attorney is well-advised. 

Protecting Your Parental Rights

One of your primary concerns as a divorcing parent is protecting your parental rights, and this involves addressing both your child custody arrangements and child support. Child custody breaks down into both legal custody and physical custody (also called parenting time). Legal custody concerns itself with how you will make important decisions related to your children moving forward. The kinds of questions involved include topics such as:

  • Your children’s education
  • Your children’s religious upbringing
  • Your children’s extracurricular activities
  • Your children’s healthcare needs

You and your children’s other parent may make these decisions together, or one of you may take on the sole responsibility of doing so. Another option is dividing these important matters according to the kind of question that needs answering. 

Parenting time, on the other hand, concerns itself with how you and your children’s other parent will split your time with your shared children. The options include dividing your parenting time directly down the middle (according to whatever schedule works for your family) or one of you becoming the primary custodial parent (while the other is awarded a visitation schedule). 

Child support is the state’s mechanism for ensuring that both parents continue to support their children financially through the childhood of each. Because child support is calculated according to each parent’s ability to pay, even if you divide your parenting time evenly, the parent who earns more will likely be required to pay child support to the other. 

Protecting Your Financial Rights

The financial component of your divorce involves the division of your marital property and alimony (if applicable). Those assets that you and your spouse accumulated as a married couple are considered marital property, and upon divorce, you will need to split them in a way that is deemed fair – or equitable – to both of you. 

Alimony (also called spousal maintenance) is specifically designed to help a spouse who is financially disadvantaged by a divorce become more financially independent. If his or her ex has the financial means to help, alimony payments that are intended to help the recipient obtain the education or training necessary to earn an adequate living may be awarded. 

Turn to an Experienced Douglas County Divorce Attorney for the Legal Guidance You’re Looking For

If you are seeking a divorce or have already been served with divorce papers, the accomplished Douglas County divorce attorneys at Atticus Family Law have the legal skill, experience, and focus to help guide your case toward its best possible resolution. Your case is important, and we’re here to offer our practiced help, so please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Family Law

We handle matters in
all areas of family law.


Decades of
experience and skilled trial expertise.

Child Custody

We will fight for your
parental rights.

Property Division

Protecting our clients’
financial rights.


FREE Download.
10 things you need to secure in your divorce plus crucial questions to choose an attorney. Critical points such as:

  • Decisions about the children’s future and parenting time.
  • Responsibility for spouse’s debt and spending.
  • Separation of assets and income.
  • Who will work on my case?
  • How long will it all take?
  • How will you accomplish my goals?
  • How much will it cost and what do the fees include?

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