Family Law Attorney Minneapolis

Family Law Attorney Minneapolis

Family Law Attorney Minneapolis

Family law is a very important branch of the law that addresses all those legal concerns that relate to family life. This includes divorce, child custody (including modifications), adoption, and much more. If you have concerns that relate to a family law matter, seek the professional legal counsel of an experienced family law attorney in Minneapolis today. 


Divorce is a common family law matter, and because divorce represents the dissolution of a legal contract, it is a complicated legal issue. While your divorce will not follow exactly the same course as anyone else’s, the basic components of divorce do not vary, including (as applicable):

  • Division of Your Marital Property – In Minnesota, all those assets that you acquire during the course of your marriage are viewed as marital property, which must be divided fairly (given the situation) in the event of a divorce. 
  • Alimony – Alimony payments (or spousal maintenance payments) are highly specific payments that are made by one ex with the financial means to do so to his or her former spouse (who experiences a financial downturn upon divorce) and they are usually for a predetermined time period.
  • Child Support – Child support is based on state calculation guidelines, and these payments are predicated on each parent’s financial responsibility to his or her children and each parent’s financial ability to pay. 
  • Your Child Custody Arrangements – Child custody arrangements break down into both physical and legal custody.  

Child Custody Concerns

One of the primary components of family law is child custody. Child custody concerns can pop up for divorcing parents, for parents who are divorced and need a child custody modification, and for parents who were never married to begin with. Child custody matters divide into issues regarding physical custody and legal custody. Ultimately, if you and your children’s other parent can find middle ground regarding your child custody arrangements, you will not need the court to intervene on your behalf. 

Legal Custody

Legal custody determines who will be making foundational decisions on behalf of the children, including regarding such matters as the following:

  • Your children’s education
  • Your children’s religious education
  • Your children’s extracurriculars
  • Your children’s health care

You and your children’s other parent can make these decisions together (joint legal custody), one of you can make them on your own (sole legal custody), or you can split them up between the two of you. 

Physical Custody

Physical custody determines who your children live with and according to what parenting time schedule (also known as a visitation schedule). The court’s goal is to keep both parents in their children’s lives (to the extent possible), so it is rare for a parent not to be awarded some form of parenting time. 

Consult with an Experienced Family Law Attorney in Minneapolis Today

Whatever your family law concern, the dedicated family law attorneys at Atticus Family Law in Minneapolis are on your side and are well prepared to help. For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Family Law

We handle matters in
all areas of family law.


Decades of
experience and skilled trial expertise.

Child Custody

We will fight for your
parental rights.

Property Division

Protecting our clients’
financial rights.


FREE Download.
10 things you need to secure in your divorce plus crucial questions to choose an attorney. Critical points such as:

  • Decisions about the children’s future and parenting time.
  • Responsibility for spouse’s debt and spending.
  • Separation of assets and income.
  • Who will work on my case?
  • How long will it all take?
  • How will you accomplish my goals?
  • How much will it cost and what do the fees include?

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