Family Law Attorneys in Minneapolis

Family Law Attorneys in Minneapolis

Family Law Attorneys in Minneapolis

Family law encompasses a wide area of the law, which addresses important matters that affect spouses, parents, children, and families. If you’re facing a family law concern, it is a serious matter that requires your careful attention, and reaching out to an experienced family law attorney in Minneapolis for the legal guidance you need is the surest path forward. 

Divorce and Post-Divorce Modifications

Many family law cases involve divorce and post-divorce modifications. Common terms to resolve in a divorce can include:

  • Division of Marital Property – In Minnesota, the assets that you acquire as a married couple are considered marital property, and in the event of a divorce, these assets must be divided equitably, which means fairly given a wide range of relevant circumstances that apply. 
  • Child Custody – In Minnesota, child custody is divided into both legal custody and physical custody, which is called parenting time. Legal custody has to do with who will be making the important parenting decisions moving forward, and parenting time has to do with how you and your ex will be dividing your time with your children. Post-divorce modifications related to parenting time are common family law concerns. 
  • Child Support – Although child support is determined by careful state calculation guidelines, there are circumstances in which the court makes determinations outside these parameters. As parenting situations evolve, child support modifications are often required. 
  • Alimony – Alimony is a payment system that is intended to address a divorce-driven financial imbalance (when one spouse’s finances take a downturn upon divorce, and the other spouse has the financial means to help).


Paternity is another common family law concern. In the State of Minnesota, if the mother and father are not married at the time of a child’s birth, paternity, which refers to the child’s legal father, is not established until either party takes the necessary actions to legally identify the father. Once paternity is determined, the father is afforded the rights and responsibilities that come with being a parent, including:

  • The father can establish his custody or visitation rights
  • The father has the responsibility of upholding his child support obligations
  • The father and his child have the opportunity to establish familial bonds
  • The child is afforded the legal rights of inheritance, employment-based health insurance, military benefits, and more.

Family law courts always put the best interests of the involved children first, and it is generally agreed that, barring a serious reason for ruling otherwise, children are better off when they are allowed to develop enduring relationships with both parents. 

An Experienced Family Law Attorney in Minneapolis Can Help

Family law concerns are extremely personal and important matters that can directly affect both your financial and parental rights. If you’re faced with such an issue, the seasoned family law attorneys at Atticus Family Law in Minneapolis are committed to skillfully advocating for an advantageous resolution that works for you and your children. Your rights are important, and we’re on your side – so please don’t wait to contact us for more information today.

Family Law

We handle matters in
all areas of family law.


Decades of
experience and skilled trial expertise.

Child Custody

We will fight for your
parental rights.

Property Division

Protecting our clients’
financial rights.


FREE Download.
10 things you need to secure in your divorce plus crucial questions to choose an attorney. Critical points such as:

  • Decisions about the children’s future and parenting time.
  • Responsibility for spouse’s debt and spending.
  • Separation of assets and income.
  • Who will work on my case?
  • How long will it all take?
  • How will you accomplish my goals?
  • How much will it cost and what do the fees include?

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