Parenting Time Attorney in Minneapolis

Parenting Time Attorney in Minneapolis

Parenting Time Attorney in Minneapolis

Parenting time issues arise as a result of divorce and breakups, consequently parenting time modifications are not uncommon. Parenting time refers to how you and your children’s other parent will split your time with your kids, which makes it a primary concern. If you have questions or issues related to parenting time, it’s time to consult an experienced parenting time attorney in Minneapolis

Parenting Time Schedules

Your parenting plan will lay out your parenting time schedule, which outlines both your and your ex’s scheduled overnights with your shared children. These schedules generally address basics like the following:

  • The schedule during the school year
  • The schedule during summer break
  • The schedule during vacations

While you and your children’s other parent can create whatever schedule works for you, you will likely receive one of the court’s standard parenting time schedules if you are unable to negotiate one between yourselves.

Every parenting time schedule falls into one of the following two primary classifications:

  • Both parents share parenting time relatively equally – but do not necessarily split time with the kids right down the middle.
  • One parent takes on the role of the primary custodial parent, while the other has a set schedule of visitation.

The Best Interests of the Children

When Minnesota courts are called upon to make child custody determinations, the best interests of the children are always their focus. The general consensus is that children are better off when they are allowed to maximize the time they spend with each parent, and as a result, Minnesota courts only seriously limit or deny a parent’s parenting time if they have a compelling reason for doing so. 

The Best Interest Factors

You understand that Minnesota courts are interested in upholding the best interests of your children, but you may wonder how they arrive at their conclusions. For this, they turn to best interest factors like the following:

  • Physical and Emotional Needs – The most important concern has to be the children’s physical and emotional well-being, including addressing any special needs any of them may have. 
  • Unique Medical or Educational Requirements – The court also considers any medical or educational needs that are specific to any of the children and how these will be met.
  • The Children’s Preference – While a child’s preference will not guide a court’s decision, the court will take the preference into consideration if the child is considered mature enough to offer a reasonable preference. 
  • Each Parent’s Relationship with Each Child – Minnesota courts factor in how close each child and each parent are to one another.
  • Each Parent’s Capacity to Care for the Children – The court will also consider each parent’s ability to care for the children – as well as their desire to do so.   

Discuss Your Concerns with an Experienced Parenting Time Attorney in Minneapolis

The trusted parenting time attorneys at Atticus Family Law in Minneapolis employ the full force of their imposing experience and drive in every case they take on, and we’re here to help you. Your case is important, so please don’t wait to contact us for more information today.

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